Period and fertility tracking apps are hugely popular in Aotearoa and around the world. App users typically use these apps to predict upcoming periods, ovulation dates, or just to learn and know more about their bodies.
Anna Friedlander is a PhD student at Waikato University investigating app user experiences with digital menstrual and fertility tracking, and the impact that this has on the construction and experience of menstruating and fertile bodies.

As part of this research, Anna is currently looking for period or fertility tracking app developers (or people who are or have been part of a team working on one of these apps) to understand the process by which these apps are developed, the thinking that goes into their creation, and how this in turn shapes app use and experience.
For app developers, participation in this research is a one hour interview. Questions are about topics such as the developer’s professional history and interest in period and fertility tracking, the history and process of the app’s development, the ideal user for the app, any benefits, drawbacks and unique features of the app, what is next for the industry, and the developer’s thoughts about menstruation, fertility, hormones and data. Interviews are semi-structured, and participants will get the opportunity to talk about what they think is interesting and important.
How to get involved?
If you’re interested in participating, or you’d like more information about this study, please email Anna Friedlander at
Please also feel free to circulate this call to anyone in your network who may be interested (or who may know someone who may be interested).