Australasian Software Engineering Summer School

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Members of Software Innovation New Zealand partnered with the academics at Monash University and University of Melbourne to organise the first Australasian Software Engineering Summer School (ASESS 2024) in conjunction with the annual Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW) 2024. The … Continued

TechDebt 2020

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Two executive members of SI^NZ were involved in organizing the International Conference on Technical Debt 2020 (TechDebt). Fabian Gilson serves as the Tools track co-chair and Matthias Galster as the Program co-chair. Technical Debt (TD) describes a universal software development … Continued

ICSE 2017 Distinguished Paper Award

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Rashina Hoda, senior lecturer from the University of Auckland and James Noble, professor from the Victoria University of Wellington received the coveted Distinguished Paper Award this year at the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), the most prestigious publication … Continued

Welcome to SINZ

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Software Innovation NZ is the New Zealand software research network. It brings together software researchers from universities, Crown Research Institutes (CRIs), government agencies, other tertiaries and industry-based researchers in a coordinated network of research excellence with demonstrable industry impact. Software … Continued