ICSE 2017 Distinguished Paper Award

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Rashina Hoda, senior lecturer from the University of Auckland and James Noble, professor from the Victoria University of Wellington received the coveted Distinguished Paper Award this year at the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), the most prestigious publication venue in software engineering, with an acceptance rate of less than 16%. The distinguished paper award is presented to the top 10% of the accepted papers in recognition of excellent research. They received the award for their paper “Becoming Agile: A Grounded Theory of Agile Transitions in Practice” at the conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Agile software development is the largest paradigm shift to occur in the software industry over the last two decades. Despite its popularity, software teams are still seen to struggle with initial adoption and continued practice. In her study of new and experienced agile teams, Rashina identified that teams become agile across a complex network of on-going transitions across multiple dimensions. These include not only software development practices, as commonly assumed but also team practices, management approach, reflective practice, and culture. The theory of becoming agile explains the fundamental process by which traditional software teams transition across these five dimensions and the relationship between these dimensions.

Catch the action!
You can read the paper here or see Rashina present it at the AgileNZ 2017 conference to be held on 6-7 November in Wellington.

About the recipients

Rashina Hoda is a senior lecturer and the founder of the SEPTA research group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Auckland. She serves as the Marketing officer for SI^NZ. More on www.rashina.com
James Noble is a professor in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington. James serves as an executive member on SI^NZ. More on http://homepages.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~kjx/