We are pleased to share a whitepaper on the Aotearoa New Zealand Software Engineering Research Strategy 2024. The whitepaper was led by Sherlock Licorish and Matthias Galster, with contributions from Panos Patros, Ewan Tempero, Tony Savarimuthu, Tony Clear, Judy Bowen, and Craig Anslow. Jens Dietrich and Kelly Blincoe reviewed the document.
The whitepaper highlights the importance of investing in software engineering and the opportunities it can bring to New Zealand across several sectors, such as Healthcare, Agriculture, Retail, Finance, Transportation and Education.
Key Highlights of the Whitepaper include: Research Capacity Development, Development of Talent and Workforce, Development of Standards and Curriculum, Government Involvement and Support, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion and Trans-Tasman and International Collaborations.
Special thanks to the authors and reviewers above for their contributions to this very important roadmap. You can read the full whitepaper here.
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