Dr Kelly Blincoe from the University of Auckland was awarded a Marsden Fast-Start grant ($300k) in the 2020 funding round. This grant will enable her to investigate methods to enable automated updates of software dependencies even when breaking changes are introduced in software components. This research will uncover new knowledge that will enable more secure software in the future.
Dr Blincoe is recruiting for a PhD student to join her on this research project. For more information on this opportunity, please see the advertisement available here: http://kblincoe.github.io/advertisement.html
The Marsden Fund supports excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand by providing grants for investigator-initiated research. The Fast-Start grants support early career researchers in New Zealand to develop independent research and build exceptional careers in New Zealand. In 2020, there were 59 recipients of Fast-Start grants. The success rate was 13.3% for these awards. The Marsden Fund award announcement for the 2020 round is available here: https://www.royalsociety.org.nz/news/marsden-fund-supports-world-leading-research/ and a full list of the projects funded in 2020 is available here: https://www.royalsociety.org.nz/what-we-do/funds-and-opportunities/marsden/awarded-grants/marsden-fund-awards-2020/