Software Innovation NZ meets again

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Software Innovation New Zealand (SI^NZ) met again on 2nd November 2017 at Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ. The meeting was attended by members from around the country, representing Auckland University of Technology, Massey, University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, University of Otago, University of Waikato, and Victoria University of Wellington.

A key focus of the discussions was on industry engagement. We are pleased to have the support of the following industry advisors, Paul Matthews, Chief Executive, IT Professionals New Zealand; Greg Shanahan, Managing Director, Technology Investment Network; and Craig Shipman, Business Innovation Advisor, Callaghan Innovation.

Discussion on membership criteria, process and fees were fleshed out, continuing the discussions from the first AGM on this topic. It was decided that the working group will continue to develop the value proposition, while another group is to write up the first SI^NZ case study as a white paper to be made available on this website. Improving engagement through social media was also discussed and is expected to be followed up with a SI^NZ twitter account in addition to the current blog.

Photo: (L to R) Austen Rainer, Kelly Blincoe, Matthias Galster, David Pearce, Tony Savarimuthu, Sherlock Licorish, Stephen MacDonell, Steve Reeves, Alex Potanin, Jens Dietrich, and Ewan Tempero.

Joining SI^NZ

If you are an active software engineering researcher (this includes academics, post-docs and doctoral candidates) based in New Zealand and would like to join or know more about SI^NZ, please contact our Treasurer and Membership officer, Kelly Blincoe or the local executive member at your university.